Lazy Marie

Lazy Marie

coconut: 2 29
water: 2 29
sugar: 1/2 29
gelatin: 1 39

Dish Type: Dessert

Difficulty: Easy
Cooking Time (minutes): quick (30 minutes or less)
1. Put gelatin in a bowl and add boiling water. Stir, add cold water.
2. Mix in sugar and beat with mixer until contents thicken. Butter a 9- x 13-inch pan , pour mixture into it. Cool for 1 hour.
3. Cut into small squares and roll in fresh coconut.

International Rice Institute (IRRI) & International Women's Organization (SUHAY), VIRMANI, Inderjeet (ED)(1991), Home Chefs of the World - Rice and Rice-based Recipes, ISBN 971-22-0023-X, Manila, Philippines