Rice and Cowpeas

Rice and Cowpeas

rice: 450 6
cowpeas: 230 6
water: 1 1/2 10
salt, table: 20 6
oil, cooking/salad: 120

Dish Type: Side Dish

Difficulty: Easy
Cooking Time (minutes): quick (30 minutes or less)
1. Wash and partly cook the cowpeas. Add salt and cooking oil.
2. Wash and add the rice. Reduce the heat and cook until the rice soft.
3. Serve with meat or fried fish stew.

Corn grits, millet or sorghum can be used in place of rice. In this case, they are partly cooked before adding the cowpeas.

DOVLO, Florence E., WILLIAMS, Caroline E., ZOAKA, Laraba (1976), Cowpeas - Home preparation and use in West Africa (IDRC), ISBN 0-88936-071-5, reprint 1984, Ottawa

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