Green Soybean with Clams

Green Soybean with Clams

soya, beans: 2 29
onions: 2 27
water: 3 29
clams: 1/2 29
ginger: 1 31
pepper, green: 1/2 29
salt, table: 1 31
oil, cooking/salad: 2 27

Dish Type: Soup

Cooking Time (minutes): average (30 minutes - 2 hours)
1. To blanch green soybean pods, put them in boiling water (one part soybeans to three parts water) and leave the mixture uncovered for 1 mn. After 1 mn, cover it and continue heating for 3 more minutes. Drain the blanched pods for 10 mn.
2. To shell green soybeans, press the pods crosswise or along the side and edges to squeeze out the seeds or beans.
3. Saute ginger, onion and soybeans. Cook for 5 minutes.
4. Add salt and green pepper leaves. Serve hot.

Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development, LANTICAN, Cecilia (ED)(1996), Great Flavor of Soybean, (Book Series No.155/1996), ISBN 971-20-0424-4, PCARRD-TAPI, Los Ba?os, Laguna