Cowpea Salad

Cowpea Salad

tomatoes: 2
onions: 60 6
cowpeas: 170 6
beans, kidney: 150 6
water: 1.4 10
salt, table: 10 6
vinegar: 25
oil, cooking/salad: 50

Dish Type: Salad

Difficulty: Easy
Cooking Time (minutes): quick (30 minutes or less)
1. Wash the cowpeas, then boil until soft and dry.
2. Cook the string beans separately.
3. Slice the onions and tomatoes.
4. Make a dressing with the vinegar, oil, and salt
5. Toss the cooked cowpeas ann string beans into the dressing.
6. Chill and served decorated with tomato wedges and onion rings.

DOVLO, Florence E., WILLIAMS, Caroline E., ZOAKA, Laraba (1976), Cowpeas - Home preparation and use in West Africa (IDRC), ISBN 0-88936-071-5, reprint 1984, Ottawa

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