Taro Cakes

Taro Cakes

flour, cassava: 2 27
sugar: 1 27
egg, chicken, white: 2
taro: 4 1/2 50
oil, cooking/salad: 6 50

Dish Type: Snacks

Difficulty: Easy
Cooking Time (minutes): quick (30 minutes or less)
1. Wash, peel and boil taro tubers until cooked.
2. Drain the tubers from the water and mash.
3. Measure out 4 1/2 mugs mashed taro
4. Add sugar, egg whites, 4 tablespoons oil and the cassava flour. Mix well.
5. Make small balls with the dough.
6. Pour the remainder of the oil into a deep frying pan and heat.
7. When the oil is hot, deep fry the balls until they turn brown in colour.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1994), Utilizing root crops, RAPA Publication 1994/30, Regional Office for Asia & the Pacific Bangkok, Thailand