

spices: 150 6
flour, sorghum: 1 8
water: 6 10
flour, wheat: 2 8

Dish Type: Beverage

Difficulty: Easy
Cooking Time (minutes): quick (30 minutes or less)
1. Mix malted sorghum flour and whole-meal flour with water to form a fermented dough.
2. Add spices and restard fermentation.
3. Thin batter and bake until dry and brown as for kisra.
4. Crumble into flakes and soak in water for 10-30 minutes.
5. Strain, add sugar, and serve as a beverage.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1991), Post-harvest and processing technologies of African staple foods: a technical compendium, ISBN 92-5-103076-6, Rome