Green Rice

Green Rice

rice: 3 29
onions: 1/2 27
butter: 3/4 29
egg, chicken: 2
cheese: 3/4 29
parsley: 1/3 29
salt, table: 1/4 31
spinach: 3/4 29

Dish Type: Side Dish

Difficulty: Easy
Cooking Time (minutes): quick (30 minutes or less)
1. Combine all ingredients; transfer to a greased floured 2/4 casserole (8-inch).
2. Bake at 325 degrees F (moderate oven) for about 45 mn.
3. Serve hot with meat or meat sauce, creamed chicken, fish, or vegetables.

International Rice Institute (IRRI) & International Women's Organization (SUHAY), VIRMANI, Inderjeet (ED)(1991), Home Chefs of the World - Rice and Rice-based Recipes, ISBN 971-22-0023-X, Manila, Philippines
