
This section provides access to documents covering the many post-harvest activities associated with agricultural commodities.

Latest Toolkit

Milk Processing Toolkit
The Coalho-type cheese is widely produced in under developed Brazilian states, especially on northeastern Brazil. Besides being easily accomplished, its production requires low cost. This cheese is marketed throughout the country. Its great consumption is mainly observed in several Brazilian beaches, under the form of grilled cheese.
Instructional Manual 2007 FAO - AGS (English) Download document
Milk Processing Toolkit
When setting up the milk processing industry it is essential that the condition of the building - the construction materials and the building position- are all suitable to food production. The cow-hangar must be located away from swamps, ditches or refuse dumps where insects and rodents are probably found. [...]
Instructional Manual 2007 FAO - AGS (English) Download document
Milk Processing Toolkit
To obtain a final well-qualified product, the milk should present some physiochemical characteristics. The characterization of the products can be performed by applying the tests presented in the Milk analysis flowchart.
Instructional Manual 2007 FAO -AGS (English) Download document
Milk Processing Toolkit
Milk is the product proceeding from the complete and uninterrupted milking of healthy, well fed and rested cows, that is accomplished under sanitary conditions. For obtaining dairy well-qualified derivatives, besides a satisfactory management and hygiene conditions, the milk should present some physiochemical characteristics that will determine the flavor, odor, texture [...]
Instructional Manual 2007 FAO - AGS (English) Download document
Oil Seeds Processing Toolkit
Basic record keeping.Date of production, names of processors, amount of crude oil per batch, number of batches, total crude oil per day, days opening stock of crude oil, crude oil removed for heating, days closing stock of crude oil.
Instructional Manual 2007 FAO - AGS (English) Download document