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 - 1. Mix flour, starter, and enough water to form a paste in an earthenware container and leave overnight.2. Thin dough to the consistency of a batter.3. Spread about 100 ml of batter on a hot griddle, using a rectangular spatula (15x5 cm) to form a [...]
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1991), Post-harvest and processing technologies of African staple foods: a technical compendium, ISBN 92-5-103076-6, Rome
 - 1. Husk the grain and wash thoroughly.2. Boil the sorghum till soft.3. Add salt and pounded nuts.4. Stir and simmer until ready to serve
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1991), Post-harvest and processing technologies of African staple foods: a technical compendium, ISBN 92-5-103076-6, Rome
 - 1. Bring water to boil.2. Add pulses and cook until partially done.3. Add sorghum and continue boiling until tender.4. Season to taste.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1991), Post-harvest and processing technologies of African staple foods: a technical compendium, ISBN 92-5-103076-6, Rome
 - 1. Sift bean and sorghum flour together.2. Add the ground kubewa, salt and pepper.3. Mix well with water to a thin consistency.4. Fry in deep fat, and turn to brown equally on both sides.5. Serve as a snack.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1991), Post-harvest and processing technologies of African staple foods: a technical compendium, ISBN 92-5-103076-6, Rome
 - 1. The starch is obtained by soaking cracked sorghum grains in water for 4 days.2. Pound them into a soft paste, adding water;3. Strain the paste to remove the bran, drying the sedimented starch and repounding into flour.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1991), Post-harvest and processing technologies of African staple foods: a technical compendium, ISBN 92-5-103076-6, Rome
 - 1. Mix malted sorghum flour and whole-meal flour with water to form a fermented dough.2. Add spices and restard fermentation.3. Thin batter and bake until dry and brown as for kisra.4. Crumble into flakes and soak in water for 10-30 minutes.5. Strain, add sugar, and [...]
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1991), Post-harvest and processing technologies of African staple foods: a technical compendium, ISBN 92-5-103076-6, Rome
 - 1. Germinate damp grain for 2 days.2. Sun-dry and mill into a coarse flour (malt).3. Mix malt with cooked fermented dough, starter, and water.4. Leave for 4-5 days and serve for breakfast without filtering.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1991), Post-harvest and processing technologies of African staple foods: a technical compendium, ISBN 92-5-103076-6, Rome
 - 1. Clean and wash the rice.2. Grease a tin or pan.3. Put the rice, sugar, salt, groundnuts in the pan, add the milk and cover.4. Put the pan in a sand-oven, covering the lid with hot charcoal, and bake the pudding until rice is cooked, [...]
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1991), Post-harvest and processing technologies of African staple foods: a technical compendium, ISBN 92-5-103076-6, Rome
 - 1. Parch groundnuts, skin and grind or pound coarsely.2. Wash, dry and parch rice until brown.3. Crush rice, add crushed groundnuts and pound both to a fine powder.4. Add sugar and pound until well blended.5. Mould mixture into pyramids. Serve as a snack.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1991), Post-harvest and processing technologies of African staple foods: a technical compendium, ISBN 92-5-103076-6, Rome
 - 1. Clean and wash rice and boil in salted water.2. Roast and pound groundnuts.3. Mix groundnut flour with a little water and add to the rice when it has boiling for 10 minutes. Stir.4. Boil rice with groundnuts for anothr 10 minutes or until the [...]
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1991), Post-harvest and processing technologies of African staple foods: a technical compendium, ISBN 92-5-103076-6, Rome