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 - The promotion of value addition in the agricultural sector through agroindustrialization is generally considered as one of the most efficient policies towards sustainable economic development. Indeed, investments in agro-processing are known to have significant multiplier effects, through its backward and forward linkages across productive chains. [...]
 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), in collaboration with the Government of India, brought together Ministers and government officials in charge of agriculture, trade and industry, [...]
 - The manual is currently comprised of fourteen sections which, according to the prevailing level of knowledge, cover all possible relevant control strategies against the Greater Grain Borer under the Kenyan requirements. Since, in future, certain alterations (such as newly approved insecticides) and fresh scientific findings [...]
 - Description of the technical activities related to the handling, packaging, ripening and storage of bananas.
 - El objeto del manual es servir como obra de referencia sobre la prevención de las pérdidas de alimentos después de la cosecha. Para fines de capacitación, se abordan diversos cultivos y técnicas, entre los que cada capacitador podrá escoger los más acordes con las condiciones [...]
 - Technical Guide for Eritrean Growers of Harvesting, Curing and Storing of Onions. A summary of procedures for growers to improve post harvest practices.
 - This manual offers guidance to field workers involved in advising and providing training for committee members and staff of primary agricultural co-operatives. The manual gives advice on how to plan and carry out training activities and discusses methods for assessing training needs. Alternative systems for [...]
 - This fumigation guide has been written to tell, and show, users how to do fumigations with the fumigants phosphine and methyl bromide using gas proof sheets to treat: -bag-stacks of grain, and other commodities -loaded freight containers -other products or cargoes, such as timber and [...]
 - The objective of this manual is to provide uniform, broad-based scientific and practical information on the safe production, handling, storage, and transport of fresh produce.
 - Simple information on how to construct a metal silo. This document is largely based on previous materials produced by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The structure of some sections has been used almost directly. Earlier efforts by those working within the [...]
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