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 - The authors of this paper have chosen to show pesticides in their worst light, i.e. their danger to humans. Convinced that pesticides will be indispensable in the protection of agricultural products and more especially of stored products for a long time to come, the authors [...]
 - Ces campagnes d'information ont pour theme la securite d'utilisation des pesticides et la presentation, en particulier de la part des representants de l'industrie, des mesures de securite a prendre lors de la mise en oeuvre des pesticides. Cepenedant, ces produits restent encore a l'origine de [...]
 - The authors of this paper have chosen to show pesticides in their worst light, i.e. their danger to humans. Convinced that pesticides will be indispensable in the protection of agricultural products and more especially of stored products for a long time to come, the authors [...]
 - The presence of mycotoxins in grains and other staple foods and feedstuffs has serious implications for human and animal health. Many countries have enacted regulations stipulating maximum amounts of mycotoxins permissible in food and feedstuffs. Most developed countries will not permit the import of commodities [...]
 - La presence de mycotoxines dans les cereales et autres produits alimentaires de base a des consequences graves sur la sante humaine et animale. Plusieurs pays ont publie des reglementations fixant des limites maximales de concentration en mycotoxines autorisees dans les aliments destines a l'homme et [...]
 - The presence of mycotoxins in grains and other staple foods and feedstuffs has serious implications for human and animal health. Many countries have enacted regulations stipulating maximum amounts of mycotoxins permissible in food and feedstuffs. Most developed countries will not permit the import of commodities [...]
 - The second edition of this manual has been comprehensively revised and extended in certain parts. Since the first edition was published six years ago, there have been vital changes chiefly in the use of synthetic stored product protectants - including fumigation - or these are [...]
2. Ed.
 - La seconde edition de ce manuel a ete entierement revisee et en partie completee. Depuis la publication de la premiere edition, il y a six ans, d'importants changements sont intervenus ou sont en passe de se concretiser, notamment en ce qui concerne l'utilisation de produits [...]
 - The second edition of this manual has been comprehensively revised and extended in certain parts. Since the first edition was published six years ago, there have been vital changes chiefly in the use of synthetic stored product protectants - including fumigation - or these are [...]
 - This manual, Volume II of the training manual on the prevention of post-harvest food losses, presents material from a wide variety of disciplines associated with the prevention of food losses and development of marketing operations, particularly those in fruit, vegetables and roots and tubers. It [...]
FAO code: 17 AGRIS: J11