WOCAT Success Stories – Kagera TAMP contributions

K-TAMP Project Manager

WOCAT tools are superlative in assessing SLM technologies and best practices as was well demonstrated by the Kagera Transboundary Agroecosystem Project (Kagera TAMP) in the Kagera basin. The methodology is plausible and now adopted in the four East African countries sharing the basin (Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda). The capacity has been built for the national teams and other key stakeholders to sustain application of WOCAT tools after the end of project.

Joseph Anania Bizima, Kagera TAMP Regional Project Coordinator

SLM documentation team in Tanzania

Working with WOCAT has enabled land beneficiaries and experts to assess and control land degradation with confidence. Six technologies and three approaches were documented in Tanzania and shared using WOCAT. The Kibanja cropping system typical in Kagera Region is now recognized worldwide and the team is very proud of the results.

SLM documentation team in Tanzania, Kagera TAMP project: Allan Bubelwa, Agriculture Economist; Jasson Rwazo, Watershed management and Planning Officer; Godfrey Baraba Livestock Officer and  Fidelis Kaihura , National Project Manager

SLM documentation coordinator

The WOCAT methodology helped us to produce reader friendly SLM case studies (4-5 pages summaries)  that will be used to exchange successful field experiences among all stakeholders in the Kagera basin. Predominantly they will be shared with decision makers to support decisions on which technologies and approaches to scale up where in the river basin. The results will be also shared with WOCAT global network of SLM specialists through the freely accessible WOCAT database. We expect that they will be widely used by practitioners in the field.                                                                                               

Iwona Piechowiak, SLM Documentation Coordinator, FAO Kagera TAMP Project.