National Project Launching Workshop & First Project Steering Committee Meeting in Uganda - November, 2010
The national stakeholder workshop and project steering committee meeting were held in Kabale and Kampala respectively from 2nd – 5th November 2010. The purpose of the national stakeholder workshop was to facilitate information sharing and collaborative arrangements with government relevant departments and other partners in project implementation. Furthermore, it was to develop the criteria for site selection and make relevant recommendations. The project steering committee meeting was to adopt the annual national work plan, endorse annual project activities and evaluate the terms of reference for the national project steering committee and regional steering committees.
The workshop was composed of district technical staff from the six districts in Kagera basin, mainly from agriculture, water, environment and land management departments. Other participants included Millennium Village Project funded by UNDP and Africa 2000 a local NGO. Government representatives from ministry of finance, planning and economic development, ministry of agriculture animal industry and fisheries, and National Environment Management Authority attended the workshop.