
National Project Launching Workshop & First Project Steering Committee Meeting in Tanzania - 2-4 Feb 2011

The national launching workshop for Tanzania of Kagera TAMP was held from 2nd - 3rd February 2011 at the ELCT Hotel, Bukoba- Tanzania. The workshop was the last of the four national project launching workshops conducted in each project implementing countries of Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. It was organised by FAO HQ in collaboration with FAOR Tanzania and the Department of Environment, Vice President’s Office, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Participants in project launching included various stakeholders mainly from Department of Environment of the Vice President’s Office, Ministries of Agriculture Food Security and Cooperatives (MAFSC), Livestock Development and Fisheries (LDF), Water and Irrigation. Others were representatives from Institute of Resource Assessment of the University of Dare s Salaam, The National Environmental Management Council, and the National Land use planning Commission. Representatives from the Kagera basin included District Development Directors from the four districts of Karagwe, Ngara, Bukoba and Missenyi which will be implementing the project, international and national NGOs in the basin and the regional administration in Kagera. The objective of the workshop was to introduce Kagera TAMP project to stakeholders (objectives, outcomes and activities); to discuss partnerships involvement, co-funding and implementation approaches;  and together with stakeholders review major activities and budget as well as mechanisms for project implementation.

Honorable Terezya Huvisa (MP), Minister of State Vice President’s Office (Environment) opening the launchingThe assistant FAOR (Programme) Mr. Gerald Runyoro, welcomed participants to the workshop and elaborated on the role of FAO presence in Tanzania as well as on TAMP project. He urged workshop participants to consider including promotion of environmental and agricultural policies that will sensitize and create awareness of stakeholders, especially farmers and the measures for prevention and control in TAMP implementation strategy. He emphasized continued reminding of stakeholders on how to protect the environment.

On behalf of the Kagera Regional Commissioner, Mr. Eldom Anyosisye welcomed participants to the workshop and Kagera region at large. He singled out key mismanagement constraints that create problems to the environment. The constraints included bushfire, population increase and land degradation. In addition, he addressed issues pertaining to statistical data sharing. In summarising his remarks he pointed out that the regional administration expect the project to contribute to improved agricultural production so as to ensure food security and income as well as environmental protection along Kagera river basin.

A national workshop to launch the Trans-boundary Agro-ecosystem Management Project (Kagera TAMP) was held from 2nd - 3rd February 2011 at the ELCT Hotel, Bukoba- Tanzania. The workshop was the last of the four national project launching workshops conducted in each project implementing countries of Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. It was organised by FAO HQ in collaboration with FAOR Tanzania and the Department of Environment, Vice President’s Office, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Participants in project launching included various stakeholders mainly from Department of Environment of the Vice President’s Office, Ministries of Agriculture Food Security and Cooperatives (MAFSC), Livestock Development and Fisheries (LDF), Water and Irrigation. Others were representatives from Institute of Resource Assessment of the Universit

A national workshop to launch the Trans-boundary Agro-ecosystem Management Project (Kagera TAMP) was held from 2nd - 3rd February 2011 at the ELCT Hotel, Bukoba- Tanzania. The workshop was the last of the four national project launching workshops conducted in each project implementing countries of Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. It was organised by FAO HQ in collaboration with FAOR Tanzania and the Department of Environment, Vice President’s Office, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Participants in project launching included various stakeholders mainly from Department of Environment of the Vice President’s Office, Ministries of Agriculture Food Security and Cooperatives (MAFSC), Livestock Development and Fisheries (LDF), Water and Irrigation. Others were representatives from Institute of Resource Assessment of the University of Dare s Salaam, The National Environmental Management Council, and the National Land use planning Commission. Representatives from the Kagera basin included District Development Directors from the four districts of Karagwe, Ngara, Bukoba and Missenyi which will be implementing the project, international and national NGOs in the basin and the regional administration in Kagera. The objective of the workshop was to introduce Kagera TAMP project to stakeholders (objectives, outcomes and activities); to discuss partnerships involvement, co-funding and implementation approaches;  and together with stakeholders review major activities and budget as well as mechanisms for project implementation.

y of Dare s Salaam, The National Environmental Management Council, and the National Land use planning Commission. Representatives from the Kagera basin included District Development Directors from the four districts of Karagwe, Ngara, Bukoba and Missenyi which will be implementing the project, international and national NGOs in the basin and the regional administration in Kagera. The objective of the workshop was to introduce Kagera TAMP project to stakeholders (objectives, outcomes and activities); to discuss partnerships involvement, co-funding and implementation approaches;  and together with stakeholders review major activities and budget as well as mechanisms for project implementation.