The Korea FAO Sustainable and Innovative Fisheries and Aquaculture Programme (KOFAP) has been established in 2020 as the result of a collaboration agreement among the Government of the Republic of Korea and the FAO Fisheries Division. The collaborative partnership aims to achieve a more sustainable, innovative and collaborative fisheries and aquaculture sector through the development of new tools, information dissemination and collaborative networks. The synergy created by the collaboration seeks to enable more efficient fisheries and aquaculture mechanisms for more effective and inclusive food systems.

KOFAP in action

Smart Fisheries Co-Management (SFC)

The Smart Fisheries Co-Management (SFC) project focuses on capacity development for government authorities and fishing communities on the design and implementation of contextualized fisheries co-management systems at national and local level.


Sustainable Fish Value Chain for Small Island Developing States (SVC4SIDS)

The Sustainable Fish Value Chain for Small Island Developing States (SVC4SIDS) focuses on improving opportunities for high-value species in SIDS and enhance sustainable development and competiveness of associated fisheries and aquaculture value chains in selected countries.


Smart Aquaculture Biosecurity (SAB)

The Smart Aquaculture Biosecurity (SAB) project aims to assist countries to effectively implement biosecurity governance, systems and practices through the use of smart and digital tools. Reducing biosecurity shocks and risks and improving its effectiveness leads to effective aquatic animal health management, sustainable production practices within environmental carrying capacities, enhances environmental protection and promotes food safety.