Field research underpins market analysis for lobster value chain in Kiritimati


In Kiribati, the Sustainable Fish Value Chains for Small Island Developing States (SVC4SIDS) project assists in developing and improving the lobster value chain in the Line Islands, specifically in Kiritimati.

Following the field mission to Kiritimati in February 2024, SVC4SIDS experts mobilized from 20 to 29 May 2024 to further enhance stakeholder engagement and gather their insights for establishing a baseline for lobster fisheries. Close consultation sessions involved the Kiritimati fishers’ community, government representatives, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), as well as hospitality sector players.

A 10-year upgrading strategy, adopted by national stakeholders in June 2023, is guiding the project to ensure on the ground implementation for the lobster value chain until the completion of the project. During the consultation, Kiritimati stakeholders endorsed the draft lobster implementation plan and reaffirmed that their priorities and needs for upgrading were well reflected. It entails strengthening domestic and international market linkages, diversification of products, and the improvement and updating of the lobster fishery management plan.


Group photo featuring various representatives in Kiritimati


This mission evaluated market constraints and demands and conducted market potential stock-taking activities for the domestic and international trade of lobster from Kiritimati. The key objectives included understanding consumer preferences, import requirements and standards, market demand for current and new value-added productsand infrastructure and operational improvements required to meet these objectives.

Left to right: Consultation with the fishers’ community, the hospitality actors, and representatives from the Ministry of Line and Phoenix Islands Development (MLPID)