Virtual Expert Workshop on the Toolbox for Fisheries Co-management evaluation


Co-management is defined as a management arrangement whereby government and user groups share responsibility for the management and utilization of fisheries resources, with the goal of achieving a balance between economic and social goals, within the framework of preserving the ecosystem and fisheries resources.

Besides its implementation, it is fundamental to run periodical evaluations of its performances and impact, for a good valorization of the lessons learnt from the practice.

Since its establishment in 2020, the Smart Fisheries Co Management (SFC) project is actively working on the production of A Guidebook for Evaluating Fisheries Co-management Effectiveness which aims to give a systematic approach to evaluating co-management performance and impact. The guidebook will be supplemented by a Toolbox, intended to provide more detailed suggestions on how to carry out the evaluation. The Toolbox will provide tips, suggestions, tools and resources to fisheries stakeholders on how to evaluate the effectiveness of an existing fisheries co-management system.

In order to discuss a proper and inclusive list of tools and resources, the SFC team has organized a workshop to review the outline and the contents of the toolbox, as well as to identify which tools and resources are needed.

The workshop will bring together fishers, representatives of fishers, fish workers’ and fish industry  associations, representatives of government officials, experts from academia, research institutes, and civil society organizations to meet and discuss the Toolbox status and development.