SVC4SIDS mission in Cabo Verde: Santiago, São Nicolau and São Vicente


The Sustainable Fish Value Chains for Small Island Developing States (SVC4SIDS) project conducted an assessment mission in Cabo Verde from 28 June to 8 July 2022. The team was comprised of technical FAO staff and consultants as well as representatives from the National Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Ministry of the Sea, who traveled to the islands of Santiago, São Nicolau, and São Vicente. The mission aimed at strengthening national stakeholder engagement, collecting data from the field, and taking stock of existing infrastructure regarding operational and management status. 

With the easing of travel restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the mission marked a step forward in the project implementation in Cabo Verde as it enabled the collection of qualitative and quantitative data, confirmation of desk-review findings and most importantly, an active interaction with actors. The SVC4SIDS team held various meetings with institutions, including the Ministry of the Sea, Escola do Mar (EMAR), Instituto do Mar (IMAR), Coastal Guard (COSMAR), the Ocean Science Centre Mindelo (OSCM), and the National Directorate of Environment.   

Project presentation and meeting with technical officers
of IMAR, Mindelo.

Meeting with Chairman of the Board of Directors and technical officers
of EMAR, Mindelo.

The team also met and interviewed other actors of the Cabo Verdean fishing community, such as ship owners and fishermen, APESC (fishing shipowner association), fish sellers (peixeiras), processing plants and restaurant owners to exchange views on development priorities and constraints along the value chain. Among them, Hipolito Tavarres, owner of the DOKAS Restaurant in Mindelo highlighted that black mackerel and tuna, (the two selected for SVC4SIDS,) are on demand by domestic consumers. “We sell a lot of fish in restaurant” he stated,  “It is the healthiest choice, and grilled fish is the preference for 90% of the customers.” “While for every-day life” he continued “people can buy also other types of fish, for example, the fish coming close to the coast is more affordable”. 

Fish vendors in the market in Mindelo.

SVC4SIDS team at Praia fish market.

The mission helped enhance stakeholders’ understanding of the project’s objectives and activities, established contact with relevant actors while seeking their support for the project’s implementation. The team was impacted by the actor’s great  willingness to accompany the project. In particular, the mission re-confirmed women's crucial role in Cabo-Verdean fisheries value chains.