New e-Learning course on FCM evaluation


Evaluating fisheries co-management effectiveness

This course offers a process and method to evaluate the performance of a fisheries co-management system, in order to enhance its effectiveness in delivering benefits and contributing to environmental, social and economic sustainability and good governance.















The primary audience for this course includes those who commission an evaluation and those who carry out the evaluation. More specifically, the course targets:


  • Staff from Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Staff from Ministry of Fisheries.
  • Members of national fisheries syndicates.
  • Analysts.
  • Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working with fishing communities.
  • Researchers and academics.

You will learn about

  • Processes associated with fisheries co-management.
  • The adaptive analytical framework used to evaluate fisheries co-management systems.
  • Process of conducting a fisheries co-management evaluation.
  • How to incorporate evaluation results into ongoing planning and decision-making processes.

Course structure

The course consists of 4 lessons: 

  • Lesson 1 – What is fisheries co-management?
  • Lesson 2 – Why evaluate fisheries co-management?
  • Lesson 3 – How to evaluate fisheries co-management
  • Lesson 4 – Post-evaluation and adaptive management

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