Advancing sustainable fisheries management in Cambodia's Kratie and Stung Treng Provinces


The Smart Fisheries Co-Management (SFC) project promotes a collaborative approach between government, fishing communities, and other stakeholders to ensure the sustainable management of fisheries resources.

In Cambodia, the Community Fisheries (CFis) play a crucial role in ensuring the long-term viability of aquatic ecosystems and the well-being of the population. CFIs are area-based institutional arrangements that foster a sense of collaboration, ownership and responsibility among local communities, local government, and government institutions towards the sustainable management of fisheries resources.

The SFC project, in partnership with the Fisheries Administration (FiA) of the Kingdom of Cambodia, operates specifically in the Kratie and Stung Treng provinces along the Mekong River. Its aim is to empower members of the Community Fisheries, implement livelihoods activities, and promote the conservation of aquatic resources.

During the feasibility study conducted in 2023, significant information and data for the Community Fishing Area Management Plan (CFiAMP) of six CFis in Kratie and Stung Treng provinces were collected, but they were not yet signed off by stakeholders. On 20-21 September 2023, during the validation workshop, it was agreed to select two CFis among the six to implement the diverse livelihoods and fisheries co- management, Kratie CFi in Kratie province and Ou Mreah CFi in Stung Treng province. Later, from 26 to 29 March 2024, the project supported representatives from the two CFis to participate in training on Community Fisheries sustainable financing and also supported the Kampi CFi in Kratie in developing a CFi sustainable financing plan as an initial step towards its implementation in the CFiAMP.

To finalize the CFiAMPs and internal rules, the SFC project and FiA organized consultations with Kampi and Ou Mreah CFis. These consultations took place in the second and third weeks of June 2024.

Consultation meeting at Ou Mreah CFi, Stung Treng Province

Consultation meeting at Kampi CFi, Kratie Province

As a result, the CFi internal rules, by-laws, Community Fishing Area Agreements, and CFiAMPs for both CFis were updated, incorporating inputs and feedback from the participants. The updated CFiAMPs covered key components of environmental well-being, socioeconomic well-being, and good governance.

The revised documents are now poised for formal signing events with the concerned stakeholders, followed by the implementation of activities at the CFi level.