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Antimicrobial Resistance in food and agriculture


Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) occurs when micro-organisms – bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites – evolve resistance to antimicrobial substances, like antibiotics, antifungals and others. This occurs naturally through adaptation to the environment or through selective pressure when microorganisms come into contact with antimicrobials. The process is accelerated when there is inappropriate or excessive use of antimicrobials. Medicines that were once effective treatments for disease in people and animals become less effective or not effective at all, leading to a reduced ability to successfully treat infections. This in turn leads to more severe or prolonged illnesses, increased mortality, production losses in agriculture and reduced livelihoods and food security.

This information sheet focuses on the global burden of AMR which represents a crosscutting threat to human health. It describes the trend of antimicrobial use in agriculture and the various practices that can be implemented to reduce its usage in the agriculture sector. Having expertise in a variety of disciplines to provide scientific and technical advice, and conduct capacity development projects, FAO is uniquely positioned to contribute to international efforts to address AMR.
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