KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

Virtual training | The "Caisse de Resilience" approach in Africa: Empowering people and communities to build more resilience and sustainable livelihoods and agro-food systems

©FAO/Yannick De Mol
28/06/2021 01/07/2021


An event hosted by the FAO Regional Office for Africa Resilience Team.

Monday 28 June, Wednesday 30 June and Thursday 1 July
Register here

In recent years, FAO has developed and promoted the "Caisse de Resilience" (CdR) approach to support vulnerable households and communities affected by chronic poverty and multiple shocks and stresses. Caisse de Resilience is an integrated community-centred and participatory approach combining technical, financial and social ingredients in a mutually reinforcing way. It empowers households and communities to build more resilient and sustainable agro-food systems. In doing so, it fosters an integrated social and economic development dynamics based on a more profitable and sustainable management of natural resources. It is constructed around small groups of 20 to 30 persons living in the same area and sharing similar concerns. Often designed in the context of acute crisis, CdR programmes may be used to address urgent needs and issues while at the same time tackling drivers and root causes of crisis and ill-development. It drives tangible improvements in the daily life of targeted communities in particular through accumulation and diversification of assets and livelihoods. It fosters the conception and adoption of tailored home-grown solutions. The CdR approach promotes and contributes to mainstream systemic thinking, a spirit of solidarity and an entrepreneurial mind-set. It empowers individuals, groups and beyond the community as a whole to take a more central and effective role in the design and construction of their future. Communities and especially vulnerable people are enabled to improve their capacity to manage risks and to better seize local economic opportunities.

It is expected that by the end of the webinar, participants will be:

  • More familiar with the principles and building blocks of the CdR approach
  • Able describe briefly what its three pillars are and how they reinforce each other.
  • Able to identify how the CdR approach can help/contribute to achieving their institution's goals within their Country specific context
  • More familiar with CdR concrete examples and aware of technical, human, training, and advocacy resources available to support they work.
  • Better equipped and more confident to engage in the formulation and implementation of programme or projects aiming to promote the CdR approach as a main objective or as an intermediate result.

It is also expected that the Webinar will contribute to strengthen or facilitate dialogue and partnerships related to the CdR and similar approaches between participants and beyond.

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