KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Global Call for Action: Ending Child Labour in Agriculture with the Help of Agricultural Stakeholders

14/06/2021 14/06/2021

We would like to invite you to our new online activity “Call for action: ending child labour in agriculture with the help of agricultural stakeholders”, facilitated by Bernd Seiffert from FAO’s Inclusive Rural Transformation and Gender Equity Division.

The UN General Assembly declared 2021 as the "
International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour”. This call is organized in the context of the International Year and builds on the FSN Forum online discussion on child labour in agriculture that was held in 2020.

This new activity invites you to share ideas on what could be done by agricultural and other stakeholders to enhance action on the elimination of child labour in agriculture, paying specific attention to the situation at the local level. 

Your input will feed into the series of FAO regional consultations for the International Year and the FAO high-level Global Event on Ending Child Labour in Agriculture, to be held in September and on 2-3 November 2021, respectively.

A selection of the submissions to this call and to the FSN Forum discussion of 2020 will be showcased at the Global Event, and participants will be invited to present them. 

Please read the introduction to the call below or visit the webpage in 
EnglishEspañolFrançaisРусский中文 or العربية, where you can also download the submission form in your language of preference.

You can upload the completed form directly to the web page or send it to 
[email protected]. The call is open until 14 June 2021.

We look forward to your active participation and to receiving your ideas!

Your FSN Forum Team

TO PARTICIPATE – send your contribution to [email protected] or post it on www.fao.org/fsnforum



2021 is the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour, proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly, in light of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 8.7 that seeks to eliminate all forms of child labour by 2025. 

152 million boys and girls are still trapped in child labour worldwide, and 71% or 108 million of them are working in agriculture.
[1] The impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic on agri-food systems is exacerbating rural poverty and leading to an increase in child poverty, school dropout and food insecurity.[2] [3] Children are being increasingly involved in working activities to compensate labour gaps and income losses in food and agricultural production.[4] This situation is likely to reverse progress and undermine efforts to eradicate rural poverty (SDG 1), achieve zero hunger (SDG 2), and eliminate child labour (SDG 8.7).  

The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, pledges to intensify efforts for ending child labour in agriculture: ‘'This year, we will step-up our efforts to strengthen the capacities of a wide range of agricultural actors to include child labour prevention and youth employment in their work''.

In 2020, FAO released the 
FAO Framework to Eliminate Child Labour in Agriculture[6] to support and upscale action of agricultural stakeholders[7] in the elimination of child labour in agriculture. Moreover, FAO launched an online consultation on the Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition: “How can agricultural policies and strategies help to end child labour in agriculture?”.[8] Practitioners from 41 countries shared 90 contributions, highlighting diverse issues of child labour in agriculture, and lessons learned and good practices from agricultural stakeholders. The consultation showed the importance of taking a multisectoral approach to eliminate child labour in agriculture through school feeding programmes, adequate resource management, women’s empowerment, cash transfers and digitalization, among others. Building on these findings and FAO’s Framework, this Call for Action is another step towards FAO’s contribution to the International Year.

This Call for Action aims to capture and recognise the commitment, responsibility, and efforts of agricultural stakeholders in addressing child labour in agriculture, and to build momentum towards more concerted action at local, national and global level. It will give agricultural stakeholders the opportunity to indicate what actions they or their organizations could take to increase action towards the elimination of child labour in agriculture and what recommendations they would provide to agricultural and other stakeholders. The Call intends to give voice to a wide range of agricultural stakeholders and to highlight especially the situation and dynamics at the very local level in rural communities.

The ideas for action received will feed into the FAO regional consultations for the International Year to be held in September, and the FAO high-level Global Event on Ending Child Labour in Agriculture on 2-3 November 2021. They will also inform the design of specific child labour large-scale programmes, projects and investments at country-level focusing on the different sub-sectors of agriculture and food systems at large.

The most impactful, innovative and relevant contributions to this Call for Action, and those submitted for the consultation held in 2020, will be showcased at the Global Event and participants will be invited to present them.

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