KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

Celebrating International Day of Peace

FAO podcast: Peace, critical to tackling hunger
©UNISFA/Aldrin Velasco

Between 60 and 80 per cent of people living in fragile and conflict-affected contexts rely on agriculture for their livelihoods and their food security, it is therefore vital to design and implement longer-term approaches in order to build the resilience of these populations. In 2018, conflict was the major driver of food crises in 21 countries, affecting around 74 million people. Contributing to peace is therefore critical to tackling hunger.

Introducing resources into communities affected by inequality, insecurity, identity mobilisation, inter-group tensions and/or natural resource scarcity can exacerbate tensions and trigger or intensify conflict. Conversely, certain activities, practices and stakeholders, if developed or supported can contribute to reductions in tensions and insecurity, and the effective management of conflict at the local level. Conflict sensitivity means having a sound understanding of the two-way interaction between interventions and context, and is essential for programming to improve the prospects for local peace.

Tune in to listen to FAO experts Julius Jackson and Philip Priestley discuss the importance of conflict-sensitive approaches, particularly how working towards localized pace can contribute to SGD 2 on eliminating hunger.

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