KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

The BRACED Resilience Exchange platform is now LIVE

© Axel Fassio/CIFOR

Harina Devi Khatri and her husband Bishnu are vegetable farmers with three children who live in Hirapur Doti district in Nepal. Thanks to the BRACED Anukulan project they are now linked to markets and services through their local Rural Collection Centre, and are applying new methods of cultivating their crops. With these new approaches, Harina is growing more vegetables and has increased her household income: previously she earned £153 annually from potatoes only, but with the expanded vegetable production her income has increased to £538. The extra income allows Harina to spend more on her children’s education and nutrition, invest more back into her vegetable farm and save for the future.

Their story is one of twenty-three individual 'stories of change' presented in the BRACED Resilience Exchange, providing insights into how resilience is being built in practice across the diverse DFID-funded programme. Many of these stories cover climate resilient agriculture, from countries including Myanmar, Burkina Faso, Mali and South Sudan, as well as the Nepali example mentioned.

The climate is changing rapidly. With limited resources and time to build resilience, we must learn what works, how it is working, and how this can be scaled up, if we're serious about supporting the people whose situation makes them most vulnerable to the impacts of climate extremes and disasters. The collective ambition of the 120+ organisations that make up BRACED is to do exactly that. Part way through the journey, the BRACED Resilience Exchange shares what has been learned, presenting partners' experiences on activities to build resilience in practice, as well as how to support learning, and assessing key issues on evaluating impact in resilience building.

More on BRACED and the Resilience Exchange Platform

Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED) aims to build the resilience of up to 5 million vulnerable people in 13 countries across the Sahel, East Africa and Asia against climate extremes and disasters. DFID funding for BRACED has been awarded as 3-year grants to 15 projects.

Uniquely, BRACED also has a Knowledge Manager consortium, the Resilience Exchange, which aims to generate evidence and learning on resilience and adaptation in partnership with the BRACED projects and the wider resilience community. It gathers evidence of what works to strengthen resilience to climate extremes and disasters, and initiates and supports processes to ensure that evidence is put into use in policy and programmes. The Knowledge Manager also fosters partnerships to amplify the impact of new evidence and learning, in order to significantly improve levels of resilience in poor and vulnerable countries and communities around the world.


For further detail visit the BRACED website or get in touch via email [email protected]

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