KORE - Knowledge platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Resilience Analysis in Matam (Senegal)

Matam is one of the poorest regions of Senegal. Located in the northeast of the country, more than 45 percent of the population of Matam is under the poverty line. In this region, agriculture and pastoralism are the largest economic sectors, thus recent climatic changes strongly influence the number of malnourished people. Notwithstanding the numerous advances made in recent decades by the Government of Senegal in terms of increasing education rates and reinforcing numerous forms of infrastructure, such as roads, hospitals and schools, Matam still experiences infrastructure weakness and poor access to numerous basic services.

This report primarily aims to highlight the main pillars of resilience and their contributing factors at the household level using the second iteration of the FAO Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis (RIMA) methodology – Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis II (RIMA-II). The second part of the analysis studies the role of geo-climatic variables, shocks and other household characteristics in relation to food security and resilience capacity.

Finally, the results are analysed in light of both the policies already implemented in Matam and future policies that could potentially be designed and implemented, taking into consideration those social and geographical groups that were shown to be less resilient in this report.

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