KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

New e-learning course: Migration and Protracted Crisis

©FAO/Patrina Pink

Migration has always been an intrinsic feature of human societies, fueling human progress and driving development and innovation. While migration offers great opportunities for development and prosperity, it can also create critical humanitarian and development challenges. It is a complex phenomenon, encompassing a broad spectrum of often interconnected migratory movements, both across international borders and within countries.

The focus of this one-lesson e-learning course is on forced migration due to protracted crisis situations, including both natural or human made disasters, and conflict. Forced migration is a sub category or type of migration. It is distinguished by the presence of coercion or a lack of voluntariness.

You will learn about

  • Key concepts and characteristics of migration, forced migration and protracted crisis, categories of migrants
  • The drivers and impacts of forced migration in situations of protracted crisis
  • How forced migration is relevant to FAO’s mandate and strategic objectives, and how FAO works programmatically through the forced migration cycle
  • How forced migration considerations can be integrated into policies and programmes regarding protracted crisis

Click here to access the course.

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