KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Conflict-sensitive programming: what is it and why is it important?

Conflict undermines resilience and can force individuals and households to engage in increasingly destructive and irreversible coping strategies that threaten their future livelihoods, food security and nutrition. Thus, enhancing FAO's programming in fragile and conflict-affected contexts is crucial to support resilient livelihoods, ensuring that interventions do not exacerbate the conflict situation and, where possible, facilitate positive transformations within the area of intervention.

This video describes what conflict-sensitive programming is, why it is important, and outlines three key steps for FAO programming to be conflict-sensitive. It uses illustrative examples of FAO interventions (supporting food security, rural livelihoods and resilience of small-holder farmers) to highlight key points. The video also highlights that being conflict-sensitive can open up opportunities to contribute to improved prospects for local peace. The overall aim is to illustrate that good programming at a minimum means "Do No Harm," and does not make local disputes, tensions or conflicts worse. 

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