KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

IDDRSI Mid-term Review

This independent Mid-Term Review of the implementation of the first Phase (2013-2017) of the IDDRSI Strategy, is part of the commitment of IGAD Member States and Partners to generate solid evidence for the progress of the IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI) (2013 – 2027).

This being the first Mid-Term Review (MTR), the main approach adopted in the exercise was at a macro level, with a bird’s eye view that scanned entire IDDRSI implementation landscape, without examining the details of achievements made in each priority intervention area (PIA) of the IDDRSI Strategy. The review focused on the assessment of overall achievements made, with particular focus on the process of operationalizing and consolidating IDDRSI — as a functional regional initiative and examining the framework in which the implementation of the initiative is organized, coordinated and supported. The review used both secondary analysis and primary data collection tools, including a desk review of various documents. The MTR Team visited all the IGAD countries (Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan and Djibouti) to collect information from various sources and stakeholders involved in drought resilience programs and related activities, except Somalia due to security challenges. This team, however, gathered pertinent information and data from representatives of organizations that work in Somalia that are operate from either Nairobi or Addis Ababa.

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