KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience


12 February 2018
Jordan, in Western Asia, has a population of approximately 9.5 million people, of which a significant share (more than two million people) are registered Palestinian refugees. The country currently faces significant challenges to its socioeconomic system; the geopolitical situation is [...]
30 January 2018
Gender inequalities generate risks for women and girls on a daily basis. In Chad, more than 35% of women have been victims of physical, psychological and/or sexual violence at the hands of their partners, while adolescent girls are highly vulnerable to [...]
29 January 2018
The 26th issue of the Food Chain Crisis (FCC) Early Warning Bulletin, covering the period between January and March 2018, integrates and analyzes information on transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases threatening the food chain for the three months ahead, grouped by region [...]
26 January 2018
In the Sudan the prices of the main staples, sorghum, millet and wheat increased significantly at the end of 2017, mainly driven by a sharp depreciation of the local currency and the Govenrnment's decision to remove the subsidies on wheat [...]
23 January 2018
A joint FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM), at the requested of the Government of Madagascar, visited the country from 24 July to 11 August 2017, following weather shocks that negatively adversely affected the 2016/17 agricultural campaign. The [...]
15 January 2018
The region of Karamoja, located in the northeast of Uganda, is the poorest and least developed region in the country. Historically, Karamoja has been a pastoral area; crop production, which is less reliable there, has recently emerged as an important [...]
04 January 2018
The quarterly Global Early Warning – Early Action Report on Food Security and Agriculture monitors situations at risk for potential disasters and adverse impacts on food security and agriculture. Risks are categorized according to their potential consequence as either “high risk” or “on [...]
22 December 2017
An FAO/WFP Crop and Livestock Assessment Mission visited Mongolia from 15 to 28 October 2017, prompted by the prolonged drought from mid-May to end-July that sharply reduced the 2017 crop output and depleted rangeland conditions, raising serious concerns over the [...]
14 December 2017
This note focuses on the topic of forced migration in protracted crises, presenting the challenges and some possible approaches to address root causes of forced migration and support displaced and host populations, illustrated by case studies from FAO’s interventions in [...]
11 December 2017
FAO/GIEWS monthly report on recent food price developments at world, regional and country level with focus on developing countries. It includes warnings on countries where prices of one or more basic food commodities are at abnormal high levels which could [...]