KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience


23 July 2020
In order to provide a more complete picture of the economic impact of COVID-19, GeoPoll has conducted a study in five countries in sub-Saharan Africa (Kenya, Nigeria, Côte D’Ivoire, Mozambique, and South Africa). The main areas GeoPoll’s study examined are: Ability [...]
22 July 2020
Out of 7.9 million people in southern Yemen, 3.2 million are estimated to be highly food insecure (IPC Phase 3 and above) between July and December 2020. High food insecurity in the 133 analysed districts is driven by economic decline [...]
21 July 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is having a profound effect on the global economy and is jeopardizing the livelihoods and food security of millions of people. In June 2020, the World Bank released its outlook on the global economy, estimating a contraction [...]
17 July 2020
This FAO-WFP early warning analysis of acute food insecurity hotspots report highlights countries which are at risk of significant food security deterioration, and in particular acute hunger and associated malnutrition. The analysis takes into account all major drivers of food [...]
15 July 2020
Highlights: In late May 2020, a locust outbreak was reported in northeastern provinces of Formosa, Santa Fé and Corrientes in Argentina. Crop and pasture losses have been limited due to the implementation of effective control measures. If swarms move to key producing [...]
15 July 2020
FAO's Emergency Management Centre for Animal Health (EMC-AH) activated an Incident Coordination Group (ICG) in January 2020 to coordinate and monitor the COVID-19 event from an animal health perspective. The ICG comprises participants from several partner organizations, and FAO regional [...]
13 July 2020
Updates for many countries have made it possible to estimate hunger in the world with greater accuracy this year. In particular, newly accessible data enabled the revision of the entire series of undernourishment estimates for China back to 2000, resulting [...]
01 July 2020
In the current period (June to September 2020), an estimated 9.6 million people are experiencing high levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 or above) and are in need of urgent action. This is the highest figure ever recorded [...]
26 June 2020
FAO's Environmental and Social Standards (2015) ensure that FAO projects and programmes conform to sustainability criteria and mitigate potential adverse impacts to achieve expected outcomes. A COVID-19 outbreak in countries already affected by existing shocks, including political instability, conflict and [...]
11 June 2020
Food markets will face many more months of uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, while most markets are braced for a major global economic downturn, the agri-food sector is likely to display more resilience to the crisis than other [...]