KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Crop Prospects and Food Situation No. 3 | September 2018


FAO assesses that globally 39 countries are in need of external assistance for food. Persisting conflicts continue to be the dominant factor driving the high levels of severe food insecurity. Weather shocks have also adversely impacted food availability and access.

Regional highlights

Africa: Unfavourable weather conditions curbed Southern African cereal outputs in 2018, heightening food insecurity, while abundant rains in East Africa boosted production prospects although resulting in localized flooding.Favourable spring weather instigated an upturn in production in North Africa, while in West Africa, harvests are expected to revert back to average levels. Conflicts in several countries of the region continue to acutely impact agricultural capacities.

Asia: Cereal harvests in 2018 are anticipated at below-average levels in the Near East and CIS Asia, on account of rainfall deficits, while ongoing conflicts in parts of the Near East continue to impede agricultural activities. Cereal output in the Far East is forecast to rise slightly, driven by a larger paddy output.

Latin America and the Caribbean: Dry weather conditions in South America have lowered 2018 cereal outputs relative to last year’s record, particularly maize. In Central America and the Caribbean, unfavourable rains affected 2018 maize production, except in Mexico.

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