KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Yemen: Acute Malnutrition | January - July 2020 and Projection for August - December 2020

Partial Acute Malnutrition analysis for 133 districts in 19 zones of Yemen

How Severe, How Many and When: Over half a million cases of children aged 0 to 59 months, and more than a quarter of a million cases of pregnant and lactating women, are expected to suffer from acute malnutrition during the course of 2020. Out of the 19 zones included in the IPC Acute Malnutrition (IPC AMN) analysis, two zones are classified in Critical (IPC AMN Phase 4), eight in Serious (IPC AMN Phase 3) and the remaining zones in Alert (IPC AMN Phase 2) during the current period of January July 2020. The situation is expected to deteriorate further during the projection period of August – December 2020. A total of seven zones will likely move into a higher Phase, with 15 of the 19 zones in IPC AMN Phase 3 or IPC AMN Phase 4.

Where: In the current analysis period, Taizz Lowland and Hodeidah Lowland zones are classified in Critical (IPC AMN Phase 4). Abyan highland, Abyan Lowland, Aden, Marib City, Lahj Highland, Lahj Lowland, Taizz City and Taizz Highland zones are classified in Serious (IPC AMN Phase 3). The remaining zones: Al- Bahydha, Al-Dhalea, Al-Jawf, Marib Rural, Al-Maharah, Socotra, Hadramawt Coastal, Hadramawt valleys and desert, and Shabwah are classified in Alert (IPC AMN Phase 2). In the projection period (August – December 2020) the acute malnutrition situation is expected to deteriorate further from Alert (IPC AMN Phase 2) to Serious (IPC AMN Phase    3) in the Al-Jawf, Marib Rural, Socotra, Hadramawt Coastal, and Shabwah zones. Meanwhile, the Abyan Lowland and Lahj lowland zones are expected to move from Serious (IPC AMN Phase 3) to Critical (IPC AMN Phase 4). The situation will likely remain at Serious or Critical levels in the following zones: Abyan Highland, Aden, Marib City, Lahj Highland, Taizz City, Taizz Highland, Taizz Lowland, and Hodeidah Lowland.

Why: The major contributing factors to the acute malnutrition situation include: poor quality of foods consumed by children with <50% meeting minimum dietary diversity requirements, acute food insecurity (about 40% of households are facing high levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 3) or worse), high prevalence of communicable diseases (according to the available data at least a quarter of all children are suffering from diarrhoea, malaria and Acute Respiratory Infections), and poor infant and young child feeding practices (less than 25% in many zones), which is all compounded by poor sanitation. Additionally, poor access to nutrition and health services, and poor immunization (measles and polio) coverage (around 60% in most zones) are also of concern. During the current analysis period (January - July 2020) – service access and utilization was affected by a number of factors including: floods, conflict, Ramadan and Eid, the impact of COVID-19 travel restrictions, fear of beneficiaries to visit health facilities, and the suspension of some mobile and outreach services.

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