KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Malawi: Chronic Food Insecurity Situation 2022 - 2026

IPC Report

According to an IPC Chronic Food Insecurity Report, approximately 5.4 million people in Malawi living in rural and secondary urban centres are facing Moderate or Severe chronic food insecurity (IPC CFI Levels 3 and 4) due to abject poverty and recurrent shocks, among other drivers. The February Malawi IPC Chronic Food Insecurity (CFI) analysis found that an additional estimated 4.4 million people face Mild food insecurity, whilst approximately 6.9 million people face No/Minimal chronic food insecurity. Chronic food insecurity in Malawi, where over 70% of the population of about 19.1 million people is living below the international poverty line of $1.90/day, is driven by abject poverty, recurrent shocks, poor policies and implementation as well as reliance on weak livelihood strategies.

The report recommends medium to long-term interventions to address the structural causes of chronic food insecurity are necessary, particularly for the country’s most vulnerable populations, including subsistence farmers, the elderly, female-headed households and others. Overall for the country, most districts were classified as IPC CFI Level 3 (Moderate), whilst two districts, Nkhatabay and Likoma were classified as IPC CFI Level 2 (Mild). On the whole, most Northern and Central Regions districts were classified as Moderate CFI (Level 3). However, of major concern are districts in the Southern Region, which have the highest proportion of the population classified as being in IPC CFI Level 4 (Severe). This is followed by the Central Region. The districts in the Northern Region had the lowest total population classified as being in IPC CFI Level 4. Balaka, Nsanje and Chikwawa Districts in the Southern Region were classified overall as IPC CFI Level 4.

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