KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Dimitra Newsletter: Gender, Rural Women and Development n°28


Dimitra newsletter 28 highlights experiences of development approaches that are helping in the fight against poverty in rural areas. Reducing rural poverty and strengthening the resilience of agriculture-based livelihoods are key aspects to which the Dimitra project is making a special contribution. This issue outlines the project’s most recent activities and achievements, especially the development and growing impact of the Dimitra Clubs.

The focus of this issue is gender in resilience and climate change. A series of articles makes up a dossier that highlights the important role played by marginalized rural community members, including women, in the fight against climate change and its consequences. Given their critical role in ensuring household livelihood security, women must be involved in identifying and implementing actions that can contribute to the resilience of their livelihoods and the protection of the environment. However, they continue to be marginalized, poorly represented in decision making processes and their access to resources and services remains limited.

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