KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Promoting structural transformation and resilience of the agriculture sector through sustainable energy solutions
This Learning Brief documents the main lessons drawn from the country investment implemented in the Gaza Strip from 2018 to 2022 by FAO and its partners in the framework of the Global Network Against Food Crises Partnership Programme, funded by [...]
  Water is a dealmaker for the Sustainable Development Goals, and for the health and prosperity of people and planet. But our progress on water related goals and targets remains alarmingly off track, jeopardizing the entire sustainable development agenda. It is a [...]
  09:30 – 11:00 EDT | 13:30 – 15:00 UTC The latest IPCC report makes it abundantly clear that incremental change is plainly inadequate given the urgency and depth of the climate crisis. Transformational change that is relevant to the magnitude of [...]
With the aim of localising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Expo 2020 Dubai’s Global Best Practice Programme, ‘Small Steps, Big Leaps’, will spotlight simple but effective initiatives that can be adapted, replicated or scaled for enhanced global impact. The international [...]
The first  Gobeshona Conference, Research into Action on Locally-Led Adaptation, an event fully virtual, will be held on January 18th, 16:00-17:30 UTC. "From measuring resilience to advancing resilience practice" as part of the Conference, the event will comprise two short panels: Advancing resilience measurement in the [...]
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