KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Protecting livelihoods and boosting social cohesion between Venezuelan migrants, Colombian returnees and host communities in the department of La Guajira
 Colombia’s northern neighbour Venezuela has slipped into a deep economic crisis that has sent 5 million people across borders in search of food and stability. It has been the fastest movement of people in Latin America’s recent history and it has affected Colombia more than any [...]
July 2020
This FAO-WFP early warning analysis of acute food insecurity hotspots report highlights countries which are at risk of significant food security deterioration, and in particular acute hunger and associated malnutrition. The analysis takes into account all major drivers of food [...]
Violent storms, extended droughts, crop pests, animal diseases – these are just a few of the multiple types of hazards that are increasingly undermining the livelihoods of the world’s 2.5 billion agriculture-reliant people – and causing billions of dollars in [...]
Boosting food security and social cohesion on the frontline of the migration crisis
The intensity and frequency of natural hazards and conflicts is increasing, and they are leaving in their wake an unprecedented level of humanitarian needs. Natural hazards alone occur nearly five times as often today as 40 years ago. The number [...]
Results from cost–benefit analyses conducted in a multi-country study, 2016–2018
Investing in disaster risk reduction (DRR) measures at farm level is a crucial way to proactively reduce risk exposure at local level and enhance, from the bottom up, the resilience of farming families to natural hazards. Also, the fact that [...]
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