KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

More than 113 million people across 53 countries experienced acute hunger requiring urgent food, nutrition and livelihoods assistance (IPC/CH Phase 3 or above). The worst food crises in 2018 were, in order of severity, Yemen, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, [...]
On April 2-3, 2019, on the occasion of the Launch of the Global Report on Food Crises 2019, the European Commission in Brussels – on behalf of the Global Network against Food Crises – hosts the high-level event on food and [...]
The Global Report on Food Crises 2018 will be presented in Brussels on 18 April 2018 at the Lunchtime Conference External Cooperation Infopoint.  The Global report on Food Crises presents a global picture of acute food insecurity based on an accurate and [...]
In 2017, almost 124 million people across 51 countries and territories faced Crisis levels of acute food insecurity or worse (IPC Phase 3 and above or equivalent) and required urgent humanitarian action. In 2016 the population in need of urgent [...]
On Thursday 22 March 2018 the Global Report on Food Crises 2018 will be launched in the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, in Rome, Italy. On this occasion, FAO and the World Food Programme (WFP) will brief [...]
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