KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Salon International de l'Agriculture 2019
A l’occasion du Salon international de l’agriculture 2019 portant cette année sur l’agriculture au Sahel, l’AFD et le CIRAD co-organisent une conférence sur cette même thématique. Au Sahel, deux habitants sur trois vivent de l’agriculture et de l’élevage. Le développement de [...]
Issue No. 4
The IGAD region covers an area of approximately 5.2 million km². It has a population of about 240 million people and is endowed with a considerable range of natural resources, providing huge potential for wealth and progress. Despite this great [...]
Strengthening Cross-border Cooperation in IGAD Clusters
Around sixty participants from the IGAD Secretariat and the Member States were in Isiolo, Kenya, from 6-8 August 2018 to take part in an inaugural IGAD knowledge share fair, whose theme was Strengthening Cross-border Cooperation in the IGAD Clusters. The aim [...]
A workshop co-led by The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with the Feinstein International Center (FIC) at Tufts University’s School of Nutrition Science and Policy Mind the Gap: Bridging the Research, Practice and Policy Divide to enhance livelihoods [...]
Co-organised by Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)
Armed conflict and forced displacement are taking an enormous toll on human lives, with the region accounting for about 60 percent of the estimated global total of battle-related casualties since the turn of the millennium. Conflicts and fragility have also [...]