KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Corporate Framework to support sustainable peace in the context of Agenda 2030
Since its founding in 1945, FAO’s core work supporting food security, nutrition, poverty reduction and sustainable agriculture has helped to reduce the economic, political, social and environmental drivers of conflict. The UN Secretary-General has made sustaining peace a priority focus across [...]
A two-year panel study
In April 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, killing over 9,000 people, destroying or badly damaging more than 800,000 homes and displacing approximately 2.8 million people. Where shocks like earthquakes cannot easily be prevented, strengthening the ability to prepare, respond [...]
In 2017, almost 124 million people across 51 countries and territories faced Crisis levels of acute food insecurity or worse (IPC Phase 3 and above or equivalent) and required urgent humanitarian action. In 2016 the population in need of urgent [...]
The Impact of Disasters on Agriculture and Food Security 2015 showed that a staggering 22 percent of total damage and loss from natural disasters in developing countries was absorbed by the agriculture sector alone. Two years on, FAO continues the effort to bridge persisting knowledge gaps and [...]
The joint Microlinks and Agrilinks webinar explores how investing in resilience will result in reduced humanitarian assistance needs and avoided losses, comparing a range of investment and response scenarios in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia.  When: Thursday 25 January 2018, 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM Time [...]