KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Wednesday 5 May14:30 - 16:30 CESTRegister here On 5 May 2021, the Global Network against Food Crises will hold a high-level virtual event to release the latest figures on how many people are facing acute hunger and malnutrition in crisis prone countries, in [...]
An event presented by the Global Resilience Partnership  Monday 26 April15:00 - 16:00 CESTRegister here This webinar will expose different perspectives on how resilience is being applied - in research and practice - to confront and understand security and conflict risks in the Anthropocene. The speakers [...]
The webinar "Community Engagement for Resilience and Peace" is part of the series of five webinars called “Community Engagement Days.” The objective of the series is to review achievements, potential and challenges of community engagement for empowerment approaches in rural development and [...]
An event co-hosted by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The largest event of its kind, the 7th edition of the Humanitarian Newtworks and Partnerships week [...]
E-learning course
The Division of Human Resources (DHR)/Global Learning and Development Centre (GLDC) and the Global Protection Cluster (GPC) are pleased to announce the launch of a new e-learning programme on Protection in Humanitarian Action.   The Protection in Humanitarian Action e-learning is a stand-alone 3 hours’ [...]