KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

The world is faced with an unprecedented call for action at a moment in which four countries (South Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, and northeast Nigeria) have been identified at risk of famine. The demand for humanitarian and resilience assistance is escalating. [...]
Since its inception in 2012/2013, considerable progress has been made on various fronts in the implementation of IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI) throughout the region, with a number of achievements having been recorded, including the following: The establishment and operationalization of the IDDRSI Regional [...]
This independent Mid-Term Review of the implementation of the first Phase (2013-2017) of the IDDRSI Strategy, is part of the commitment of IGAD Member States and Partners to generate solid evidence for the progress of the IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience Sustainability [...]
Increase the resilience of both men and women’s livelihoods to threats and crises
Women and men play specific and complementary roles in agriculture and food and nutrition security, and building the resilience of their livelihoods in different ways. In most countries, women have less access to productive resources, services and employment opportunities than [...]
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