KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

In August 2019, an estimated 6.35 million people (54% of the population) are classified in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse acute food insecurity, among whom an estimated 1.7 million people are facing Emergency (IPC Phase 4) acute food insecurity [...]
Between June and September 2019, it is estimated that over 200,000 people (20% of the rural population) are experiencing severe acute food insecurity and require urgent humanitarian action in Eswatini. These include around 157,000 people being in a crisis situation [...]
Protecting agropastoralist livelihoods ahead of drought
Climate-driven hazards are increasing in intensity and frequency, with weather-related crises now occurring nearly five times as often as 40 years ago. At the same time, needs are expanding and resources are limited. New tools and ways of thinking and [...]
More than 113 million people across 53 countries experienced acute hunger requiring urgent food, nutrition and livelihoods assistance (IPC/CH Phase 3 or above). The worst food crises in 2018 were, in order of severity, Yemen, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Afghanistan, [...]
Dimitra Newsletter: Gender, Rural Women and Development n°30
This special issue of gender newsletter presents a complete overview of the results achieved through the Dimitra clubs in local communities.  A Dimitra Club is a group of men, women, or both, who have decided to join together on a voluntary [...]