KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

April - June 2019
  The Early Warning Early Action (EWEA) report on food security and agriculture is developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). It provides a quarterly forward-looking analysis of major disaster risks to food security and agriculture, [...]
More than 113 million people across 53 countries experienced acute hunger requiring urgent food, nutrition and livelihoods assistance (IPC/CH Phase 3 or above). The worst food crises in 2018 were, in order of severity, Yemen, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, [...]
12 February 20194pm WIB/9am UTC One of the great human achievements over the last half century is that advances in food production have largely kept pace with demand on a global basis. Today, around 6 billion people are not hungry, up [...]
This report from the Karamoja Resilience Support Unit (KRSU) describes a participatory analysis of malnutrition in children and mothers in Karamoja, focusing on the seasonality of livelihoods and food availability, and on causes of malnutrition. A key aspect of the analysis was to assess [...]
Issue No. 4
The IGAD region covers an area of approximately 5.2 million km². It has a population of about 240 million people and is endowed with a considerable range of natural resources, providing huge potential for wealth and progress. Despite this great [...]