KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

  As the final event in a webinar series on Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) for COVID-19 prevention along the food supply chain, this webinar will discuss the value and application of Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge throughout the COVID-19 crisis and [...]
August to November 2021 Outlook
The August to November edition of the Hunger Hotspots report provides the results of a joint FAO-WFP early warning analysis of acute food insecurity hotspots, highlights countries that are at risk of significant food security deterioration, and in particular acute [...]
A global hunger crisis – fuelled by conflict, economic turbulence and climate-related shocks – has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The number of people experiencing food insecurity and hunger has risen since the onset of the pandemic. The International [...]
Natural hazard‑induced disasters (NHID), such as floods, droughts, severe storms, and animal pests and diseases have significant, widespread and long‑lasting impacts on agricultural sectors around the world. With climate change set to amplify many of these impacts, a “business‑as‑usual” approach to disaster risk management in agriculture [...]
The magnitude and severity of food crises worsened in 2020 as protracted conflict, the economic fallout of COVID-19 and weather extremes exacerbated pre-existing fragilities. Forecasts point to a grim outlook for 2021, with the threat of Famine persisting in some [...]