KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

The Global Report on Food Crises (GRFC) 2020 is the result of a joint, consensus-based assessment of acute food insecurity situations around the world by 16 partner organizations. The data and the analyses in this report were prepared before the [...]
Drought causes crop losses in “Dry Corridor” in Central America
Highlights: There is a high risk of contraction in the production of basic grain crops in Central America because of the intensified "heat wave" in July, affecting the flowering and grain-filling phases of the crops. The maize and bean crops grown for [...]
Intergrating agricultural production with agroforestry to build resilience during heat wave season in Ch’ortí region
The rural population in the Eastern dry corridor of Guatemala is highly vulnerable to food insecurity. This territory, consisting of seven departments, has the highest population density and the highest rates of absolute poverty. Within these seven departments is the [...]
Ce webinaire a été organisé avec le soutien de l'Union européenne. 18 octobre 2016 – 15.00-16.30 CEST Présentateur : Alexis Bonte, Représentant de la FAO a.i. en République démocratique du Congo; Paulin Kakule, Économiste et Expert en microfinance communautaire, bureau FAO en République centrafricaine Modératrice :  Sylvie Wabbes, Chargée [...]
Building resilience in disaster prone areas in Central America’s Dry Corridor
The most vulnerable part of Central America is the “Corredo Seco” (Dry Corridor), an area running across of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, which is characterized by very variable and extreme weather conditions: regular abnormal dry spells and droughts, [...]
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