KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Dimitra Newsletter: Gender, Rural Women and Development n°30
This special issue of gender newsletter presents a complete overview of the results achieved through the Dimitra clubs in local communities.  A Dimitra Club is a group of men, women, or both, who have decided to join together on a voluntary [...]
Elevated risk of deterioration in food security in pastoral areas across the Sahel and Lake Chad Basin
Poor rains in 2017 affected livestock across the pastoral areas of the Sahel. Persisting insecurity hampers access of animals to the grazing areas in northeastern Nigeria, northern Mali and the Lake Chad Region. Large concentrations of livestock in safe areas [...]
This webinar was the seventh of the Gender-Sensitive Social Protection Series, which was organized by IPC-IG, GIZ and FAO. Please join the Gender-Sensitive Social Protection online community if you are interested in following the most recent discussions on the topic. Throughout their lives, rural women face multiple risks [...]
Harina Devi Khatri and her husband Bishnu are vegetable farmers with three children who live in Hirapur Doti district in Nepal. Thanks to the BRACED Anukulan project they are now linked to markets and services through their local Rural Collection [...]
Senegal has experienced a higher economic growth with reference to other neighbour countries over the coast of West Africa, since its independence from France in 1960. However, in 2010, the country registered 46.7 percent of its population as being under [...]
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