KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Currently, the world is faced with an unprecedented call for action at a moment in which three countries (Somalia, Yemen, and northeast Nigeria) have been identified at risk of famine, after the declaration of famine in South Sudan early this [...]
The world is faced with an unprecedented call for action at a moment in which four countries (South Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, and northeast Nigeria) have been identified at risk of famine. The demand for humanitarian and resilience assistance is escalating. [...]
Generating job opportunities to strengthen resilience of rural young populations
In Mali, 40 percent of the population is aged between 15 and 40 and youth unemployment rates are extremely high in the rural areas which represents a clear threat to social cohesion and food security within the communities. The Food [...]
Une approche innovante pour renforcer les moyens d’existence vulnérables au Sahel
Le document s’adresse aux acteurs d’urgence pour l’inclusion de l’approche dans des actions/projets de relèvement rapide ainsi qu’aux acteurs du développement et de la protection sociale qui pourraient être intéressés pour compléter des actions de transfert monétaire avec un soutien [...]
Guidance to implement the CFS-FFA
Operationalizing the CFS-FFA is a global priority for FAO under its Strategic Programme 5, “Increasing the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises”. In July 2016, FAO started developing a series of Guidance Notes on key areas of its work in protracted [...]