KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Food insecurity conditions aggravated by rapid and significant price increases
Highlights: Triggered by fiscal challenges, food prices have risen significantly since late 2018, with negative impacts on access to food. Lower production prospects for the 2019 cereal crop and constrained import capacity also raise concerns about domestic supplies in 2019/20.
Monthly Report on Food Price Trends
The latest issue of the FPMA (Food Price Monitoring and Analysis) Bulletin FAO/GIEWS monthly report has been released. The monthly FPMA Bulletin reports food price trends at world, regional and country level with a focus on countries where prices of one or more basic food commodity are [...]
12 February 20194pm WIB/9am UTC One of the great human achievements over the last half century is that advances in food production have largely kept pace with demand on a global basis. Today, around 6 billion people are not hungry, up [...]
This report from the Karamoja Resilience Support Unit (KRSU) analyses poverty in Karamoja from the perspective of livestock ownership, and uses a livestock threshold to categorize households as poor and non-poor. High levels of livestock poverty are then discussed in relation to programming [...]
Issue No. 4
The IGAD region covers an area of approximately 5.2 million km². It has a population of about 240 million people and is endowed with a considerable range of natural resources, providing huge potential for wealth and progress. Despite this great [...]