KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

COVID-19 impacts, high food prices, reduced income and conflict are key drivers of food insecurity
Between August and October 2020, corresponding to the post-harvest season, it is estimated that a total of 11.15 million people (36% of the analysed population) were facing high levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 or above) and require urgent humanitarian action [...]
A webinar organized jointly by the World Bank. Date: 20th of November, 2020 Time: 8:30AM – 9:30AM EST Click here to register Building on the recent World Bank Outlook 2050, the objective of this event is to deepen the dialogue on how countries are integrating climate [...]
This webinar is organised with support from the European Union and the German Federal Foreign Office. Anticipatory Action (AA) webinar series: Anticipatory Action for livelihood protection and food security: Concepts and practices for a system-wide shift from reactive to preventive approaches to crises 19 November 2020 [...]
Social protection must be seen as an investment in communities’ resilience. That was one of the key messages coming out of Cultivate Africa, a two-day online event (17-18 November) on COVID-19 response and recovery in Africa organized by the African Union [...]
An event organized by the Cash and Markets Working Group of the global Food Security Cluster. Date: Monday 16 November, 2020 Time: 2:00 - 3:30PM (Rome Time) The agenda will be: Welcome and introduction Ensuring nutritional adequacy in design of CVA – presenter: WFP and [...]